Potty training takes time and requires practice, patience, and persistence. Accidents will happen! Don't panic. Simply clean them up and try to do better next time.
Restricting access - Use gates, pens, and the crate to keep your puppy out of areas of the home where you can't immediately supervise. Close all doors to help make initial training areas smaller. Once your puppy can keep one room of your home clean and they consistently go potty outside for one week straight, add another area to their space. Continue making their living space bigger and bigger, so long as your puppy is successful in keeping the new space clean.
Establish a routine - Puppies do best on a regular schedule. A schedule teaches them that there are times to eat, times to play and times to do their business. We recommend recording the times they eliminate for the first few weeks as it will help you anticipate when your puppy will need to go.
Take your puppy outside frequently - Young puppies may need to go every 15-30 minutes through the day. As a general rule of thumb, puppies need to go during the day:
Pick a bathroom spot outside - Always take your puppy (on a leash) to that spot. It is important that you also go outside with your puppy to mark and reward the second they finish going.
If they don't go potty after one to two minutes of being in their spot, return inside. Don't let them play outside or do anything else other than their potty business. Play and rewards only come after they're done, not before. You'll want to try again after waiting a short time. Don't allow them the freedom to roam during this period. Instead, keep them tethered to you so you can watch for indications they need to go potty (such as sniffing the ground, pacing, or turning in circles). If you're unable to keep a close eye on them, place them in their crate or puppy pen. Wait just five to ten minutes before taking them outside again for another chance to go potty.
Mark and reward come as a pair - While your puppy is relieving themselves, use a specific marker word or phrase that you can eventually use before they go to remind them what to do. “Go Potty” and “Get Busy” are commonly used commands.
Reward your puppy every time they eliminate outdoors - Praise and give treats, but remember to do so immediately after they’ve finished, not after they come back inside. This is important, as your puppy will not associate a treat with going potty if you wait to give it to them until they come back inside. They will think the reward is for coming back inside. This often leads to puppies who go outside, don't actually go, then come back inside and potty on the floor. Before rewarding, be sure they’re finished. Puppies are easily distracted and if you praise too soon, they may forget to finish until they’re back in the house.
Put your puppy on a regular feeding schedule – In the beginning, your puppy should be fed three times a day. Feeding your puppy at the same times each day will make it more likely that they'll eliminate at consistent times, making house training easier for both of you.
Pick up your puppy's water dish – Puppies are input and output machines, so we suggest picking up your puppy’s water dish around 8pm, or two hours before bedtime. This will reduce the likelihood that they'll need to relieve themselves during the night. Over night Most puppies can sleep for approximately seven hours without needing a bathroom break. If your puppy does wake you up in the night, don't make a big deal of it; otherwise, they will think it is time to play and won't want to go back to sleep. Turn on as few lights as possible, don't talk to or play with your puppy, take them out to the spot where they relieve themselves and then return them to bed.
Sleeping (7) hours at night is a good benchmark to reach and is very possible for an 8-10 week old puppy. As your puppy gets older and is more capable of holding it, they can go longer at night, but don't rush it too quickly. Do what works for your puppy based on their age and size. Preventing accidents is important so sleeping in on weekends may need to go on the back burner for a few months.
We don't recommend punishment for housetraining accidents - This will only encourage your puppy to hide from you when they need to go. If you catch them starting, startle clapping your hands, then rush them outside to finish. When they go, mark YES and reward with praise and treats. If you don't catch them in the act, they will not connect any sort of punishment to going potty in the house. Simply clean up the mess and remind yourself to watch them 100% when out and about in your house.
Watch for the signs your puppy needs to go. For example, puppies usually begin to circle when they need to go poop, so look for it and get that puppy to your desired potty location right away.
Proper clean up - We recommend using an enzyme cleanser to completely rid any indoor accident area of the smell, so your puppy won't continue to use the same area to go potty again.
So, how does it work? Some people swear that all you have to do is hang a bell from the door and ring it every time you take your dog outside until they eventually start ringing it themselves. The process of bell training your canine companion or teaching them to ring the bells as their way to let you know they need to go outside, is best when you break it down into basic steps. Our partner, BAXTER & Bella, suggests the following training method:
Introducing your puppy to the bells and helping him become comfortable with them and the noise they make.
Teaching your puppy where the bells will reside within the house.
Helping your puppy make the connection that when he physically sounds the bells, this is the correct and desired behavior for him to signal to you that he needs to go outside.
The quickest and most successful way to housetrain is to monitor your puppy around the clock. Think of your new little puppy as your 24/7 sidekick, and constant canine companion that is glued to your side and never out of your sight. Watching them 100% of the time may seem daunting, but it is crucial for success.
Your puppy should be in one of these five places throughout the day:
Many puppies can be fairly dependable by six months. Yet, some puppies might take up to a year to be fully house trained. We promise that your hard work will pay off. Eventually your puppies schedule will be based on your schedule. You’ll take your puppy out at times that are convenient to your work hours or your daily plans. But in the early stages of housebreaking, the schedule must be based on their needs and the length of time their little bodies can reasonably be expected to wait between potty trips.
There's much to learn. To support our doodle families in successfully integrating our puppies into their lives, families, and homes, Zoe’s Doodles has partnered with Baxter & Bella, the online puppy school.
Fully health tested parents. PennHip, OFA: Hips, Heart, Patellas, Elbows, Eyes (CAER), genetics and coat traits.